
Year 3 - Mrs Graham/Miss Kiernan

Welcome to Year 3!
This is the very start of children's Key Stage Two journey and our first year in our new building as we become a Primary school. How exciting! 

On this page you will find all the information that you need to know about Year 3. If you have any questions however, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Staff working in Year 3:
Mrs Graham (Monday-Wednesday)
Miss Kiernan (Thursday-Friday)


Two reading books go home each week. One is a home reader closely matched to your child's phonic ability and the other is a library book chosen by your child. The library book is for sharing with a grown up. Please bring your reading book to school every day.

Learning Logs:
Each half term, children will be given a new selection of homework tasks. The Learning Log task sheets will also be made available on this page. Children will choose one task to complete each week at home. 
Learning Log books will go home on a Friday and children should return these to school on or before the following Wednesday. We celebrate children's Learning Log achievements each week. 

Spelling lists go home each half term and children are tested each Friday. The spelling lists will also be made available on this page. 

Our PE days are:
Monday and Wednesdays
Please come to school wearing your PE kit on PE days.
Please also remember to remove all jewellery.

Please see the documents below for more information.